January 26 Update:

Update from Pastor Karleen: 

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),
Friends, I picture myself sitting with you around my living room, enjoying a cup of coffee or hot chocolate together. Here’s what I’d share with you…
A week from today I will be back at Epic and in the days following I will be transitioning back into work. Throughout this journey, I’ve experienced to a greater degree the importance of having a community of people to do life with. Knowing that individuals have been standing with me in prayer throughout these past two months has been an incredible encouragement! Thank you so very much for your love, care, and support – the staff team at Epic, the church family, individuals in my small groups, neighbors, family members, and friends! What an honor to be part of the Epic Church family! I love you all dearly!
This journey has brought about new ways for my faith and trust in God to be strengthened. I’m so grateful for the kindness, compassion, and faithfulness of God! Oftentimes I would sense God gently speaking and reminding me:
“Be still, and know that I am God!
    I will be honored by every nation.
    I will be honored throughout the world.” ~ Psalm 46:10

What a beautiful reminder that He holds everything perfectly in His hands! We can be still. We can rest. We can know with confidence that He is God! He is worthy of all honor and all glory!
I’ve been reflecting with awe on the wonder that God, the One who created the world, invites us to be in a deeply personal and intimate relationship with Him. He desires intimacy with us, not just proximity to us. I’ve also been marveling at the fact that in our brokenness, hurt, and imperfections, Jesus is all the nearer. Our place of deepest need is where we encounter Jesus as the One who sustains, restores, heals, redeems, and provides.
I would encourage you to read (very slowly and thoughtfully) the words of Psalm 23. Even if these words are familiar to you, read them with a new freshness, allowing Jesus to show you His love and nearness to you. You can also listen to Psalm 23 being sung over you by clicking on the link below.
“The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
    He leads me beside peaceful streams.
     He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
    bringing honor to his name.
 Even when I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid,
    for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
    protect and comfort me.
 You prepare a feast for me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
    My cup overflows with blessings.
 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
    all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord
    forever.” (NLT)

I’d like to ask you: Where is your place of deepest need today?

Jesus longs to meet with you there. He loves you deeply!
I’m praying for you today – that you would experience the depths of God’s immeasurable love for you right where you’re at today!
With much love and prayers,

January 18 Update:

Update from Pastor Karleen: 

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),

Knowing I typically enjoy a variety of activities in my day-to-day life, the most frequently asked question I've received during these weeks has been: "How are you occupying your time?" I think individuals are trying to politely ask me: "Are you bored? Are you going stir crazy?" :) That's a valid question. The answer is, "No, not at all." I'm going to give you some behind-the-scenes insight into the past few weeks and the coming weeks until I'm cleared to return to work.

In regards to "doing": Physically, I haven't done much at all (per my surgeon's orders) as I've mostly been enjoying and living in my recliner...and it's super comfortable! :) But here are other ways I've enjoyed and appreciated the gift of each new day. I've been intentional about spending extra time with my family members. I've listened to music and messages that speak truth into my soul and keep my perspective centered on Jesus Christ. There have been (meandering) walks around my neighborhood as I slowly increase my strength and physical stamina. I've watched a few movies (and fell asleep during most of them) and some episodes from a couple TV shows. Most of the time when I'm driving somewhere, it has been to go to another doctor's appointment (there have been many). Twice each week I'm on zoom attending a university course on counseling that was required for my job as a chaplain at the hospital (it finishes next week -- woohoo!). I've had a chance to share my life and story with classmates from around the United States, so it has been a wonderful opportunity to make the power of Jesus known to others! There are specific books I've been reading that have continued to draw me into deeper intimacy with Jesus as my faith continues to grow. Weekly, I've been connecting with my Life Transformation Group via zoom to maintain intentional accountability. These times of praying over one another have been so incredibly life-giving!

In regards to "being": When my life came to a screeching halt at the beginning of December -- it was only 6 days from initial CT scan to being on medical leave -- it felt like emotional whiplash. Although I fully trust God with my life, on a human level, all of it was really hard! My mind and emotions were reeling! I didn't know what the future would look like and there were so many "what if's". In the midst of these weeks, as my mind and emotions have slowly been catching up, I've sensed God inviting me into a season of focusing on "being" instead of "doing." A time of listening and resting and soaking in His Presence.

Here are some words the Holy Spirit has been highlighting for me this week:

ABOUNDING: God's love, grace, compassion, and mercy towards us are abounding...without limits! (Psalm 103:8)
His arms hold, sustain, and embrace us so we can fully rest in Him! (Matthew 11:28-30)

AUTHORITY: In my daily times alone with God, I've been spending time reading the book of Mark in the New Testament. What has stood out to me is the theme of the authority of Jesus over everything! Everything bows its knee in the presence of Jesus! Jesus brought complete freedom and healing! Now He commissions us with His authority to go and make disciples...

"Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

ANCHOR: "This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary." Hebrews 6:19
The hope I have because Jesus is Who He says He is has (and will continue) to provide a trustworthy anchor for my soul.
This week, the words from the song, "Oceans" have been replaying in my mind...
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger, in the Presence of my Savior."

"...you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it." 1 Peter 3:15
Friends, each of you has a story of what Jesus has done in your life. When someone asks you about your hope, your anchor, simply share what you've seen Jesus do in your life. Share how your life is different because Jesus has changed you from the inside out.
That's a story worth telling! :)

I'm so incredibly grateful for each one of you, your prayers, your support, your love and care!
You mean more to me than you'll ever know and I can hardly wait to see you all again at Epic (Feb. 2) and to hear what Jesus has been doing in your life during these weeks!

With much love and prayers over you today,

January 11 Update:

Update from Pastor Karleen: 

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),

Thank you so very much for your faithful and continued prayers and support! It means more than you know! Prayer is powerful and this week I've been blown away to hear specific stories of how your prayers during this journey have had a ripple effect in the lives of individuals...not just in our region but in other states and countries as well! Please continue to join me in praying that the name of Jesus would be made known in the lives of others.

This week I continued to see and experience so many specific answers to prayer!
I met with a specialist on Thursday and received wonderful news...no treatments are needed moving forward! The only next step at this point is to take the needed time to heal...physically, emotionally, and mentally.

I have been cleared by the surgeon to return to work on February 1st.
I will send at least two more weekly updates to maintain connection with you all and to continue to share what Jesus is doing in this journey.
I'm so excited to be back with the Epic Family on Sunday, February 2nd!

As I've paused and listened to Jesus speaking deeply to my heart during this journey, these words have captured my attention:

"Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the ONE who is leading." ~ Oswald Chambers

My prayer over each of us today is that no matter what is happening in our lives, that our focus is centered on loving and knowing Jesus, the One who is leading us. May we reorder our priorities to know and listen to His Voice (John 10:27).

The words from the song below, "Jesus Have It All", have been on my mind this week.
May Jesus have all of us. He is worth it all!

Love you all dearly!

January 4 Update:

Update from Pastor Karleen: 

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),

Happy New Year!

I have some thoughts to share as we begin a new year. But first, a medical update. I had my first follow up appointment yesterday with my surgeon and it went very well.

* All final pathology reports from everything removed during surgery showed no cancer and no abnormal cells. Praise God!
* The tumor was significantly larger than the CT and MRI scans initially showed. The tumor ended up being the size of a watermelon (approximately 14 inches in diameter)!
* Even though the surgery ended up being done robotically, due to the size of the tumor, the recovery will still be 6 weeks (from surgery) since it was internally a major abdominal surgery that will take time to heal from.
* I'm so grateful I had an opportunity to have a spiritual conversation with my surgeon. As you may recall, my desire in the midst of this journey is that others would have the opportunity to hear about and encounter Jesus. Please pray with me for continued opportunities for spiritual conversations with the medical team caring for me.
* Next step is a conversation with a specialist doctor next week.

I continue to be encouraged in seeing the intricacies with which God shows us His love in personal and unique ways. In the first three days of this new year, the words in the verses and two songs below have felt like a beautiful reminder from God to my heart.
May we live throughout 2025 remembering that Jesus is Lord over all, there's no one else like Him, and He is worthy of it all!

“But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. 
For I am about to do something new. 
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? 
I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:18-19

Jesus is worth it all! 
I love you all and I'm so incredibly grateful for each one of you! Thank you so very much for your continued prayers for me on this journey of recovery!


December 27 Update:

Update from Pastor Karleen: 

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),
Merry Christmas!
It’s been a little over a week since surgery and time for an update. I’m grateful the healing process continues to go well. Thank you for each of your prayers, words of encouragement, acts of kindness, and love! Each one is appreciated more than you know! I’ve been soaking in time with family this week and lots of resting as my body continues to heal.
The next steps are the two follow up appointments with doctors: January 2 (with the surgeon) and January 9 (with a specialist). Please pray with me for wisdom and clarity in these conversations with the doctors.
During this Christmas week, I’ve been reflecting on the true reason we celebrate -- Jesus, whose name is Emmanuel which means "God is with us" (at all times, no matter what).
My thoughts turned to John 1:14 in the Bible which says…
“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.
And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”

…another version reads…
“The Word became flesh and blood,
    and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
    the one-of-a-kind glory,
    like Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
    true from start to finish.” (MSG)

Jesus longs to be intricately involved in every aspect of our lives (not just a part of our lives).
He is full of unfailing love and faithfulness!
I invite you to consider ways you’ve seen and experienced the love and faithfulness of Jesus in your life over the course of 2024.
The words from this song, “His Name Is Jesus” have been on repeat in my mind the past few days. Here’s a few lines from the song…
“His name is Jesus
Light of the world
There's freedom in his name
Awesome in power
Reigning forever

The Healer's in the room
Let miracles break out across this place
The Savior's in the room
No soul beyond the boundaries of his grace
There's resurrection power in his name”

Friends, my prayer over each one of you is that you will look to Jesus—He is the light of the world, the Healer, and our Savior!
Love you all dearly,

December 21 Update:

Update from Pastor Karleen: 

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),

Praise God with me! There are so many miracles that took place on Wednesday, Dec. 18! It is hard to fully put into words the overwhelming JOY and gratitude I feel! I am also completely humbled and blown away by how many people were/are praying -- from the Michiana region, from other states across the USA, all the way to followers of Jesus around the world joining in prayer from Peru, Ecuador, Thailand, and the Himalayas! Truly prayer is powerful and there's such beauty in the unity of being part of the body of Christ across the world!

Psalm 103:1-5
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    may I never forget the good things he does for me.
He forgives all my sins
    and heals all my diseases.
He redeems me from death
    and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things.
    My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

Reasons to praise God (just a few of many)...

*The tumor was not cancer! Praise God!
* The amount of love, care, and support I've received from everyone on this journey so far!
* The room I was waiting in prior to surgery was filled with so much peace, the presence of Jesus, laughter, and joy.
* I had an opportunity to pray out loud over the medical staff in the operating room before being put under anesthesia. The operating room was filled with such a deep peace and I sensed the tangible presence of Jesus with me!
* The surgeon was able to do the surgery via robotics (using the da Vinci machine) and therefore didn't have to do a full open abdominal surgery.
* I received the unexpected surprise of being able to return home the same day of surgery! This is wonderful as I have been able to rest and recover better in my own home/space.

The song that's been on my mind yesterday and today is "Praise" as there's so much to praise God for!  (See link below)

Thank you so very much for all your love, prayers, care, and support for my family and I! We feel so loved and cared for!

There's still weeks of this journey to cover. However, the focus now is resting, healing, and soaking in precious time with my family!

Love you all so much!


December 18 Update:

Staff Update:

We have so many answers to prayer to share with you!

Karleen is out of surgery and in recovery. The surgery went smoothly, and Karleen's body handled the operation very well.
They were able to do the entire surgery robotically (laparoscopic).
The tumor was taken to pathology, and the results came back - it was not cancerous! Praise the LORD!

Karleen will be able to go home tonight if she is feeling up to it, and will have a shortened recovery time given that they did not have to do a full abdominal incision. There were tears of joy and praising God and prayers of thanks in the waiting room this afternoon!
God is so faithful and so good!

We will continue to update you all in the coming hours and days.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."
-Ephesians 3:20 NLT

December 17 Update:

Staff Update:

Tomorrow is Pastor Karleen's surgery!  We are grateful for how God has worked and moved in these past several weeks and we know that God will continue to work and move tomorrow and in the days to come!

Karleen's surgery is scheduled for 11:30AM tomorrow. We invite you to join us in praying over her, her family and friends, and the entire medical team that will be assisting her. We know God is good and God is faithful, and (as we are reminded in this Christmas season), God is with us!

So that you know what to expect, we will post an update to this page at some point tomorrow evening  (Wednesday) about the surgery.

Thank you to each one of you for the ways you have lifted, encouraged, and supported Karleen, her family, and the Epic staff! We have all seen the goodness of God in tangible ways through your love and support and we are so grateful!

See below for a final pre-op update from Pastor Karleen:

Dear Epic Church Family (and friends near and far),

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!! I'm completely blown away by your kindness, love, support, care, and generosity! I sense Jesus caring for me (and my family) through each of YOU! Thank you for being the tangible hands and feet of Jesus in so many ways!

Tomorrow is the surgery! I'm so grateful it is finally here! I sense each of your prayers and I'm so encouraged by them! Your prayers have made a huge difference in many ways...too many to count and recount here! Just know, you're making a difference!

I'm filled with peace, joy, and gratitude that only make sense through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (and as a result of your prayers). What I've been reflecting on today (and the past few days) is the unchanging character and goodness of God. He sees beyond our limited human perspectives. The phrase that's been on repeat in my mind today is: praise God through it all! Throughout the Bible we see multiple examples of individuals walking through difficult seasons in their lives...yet, they chose to praise God in the midst of their challenges.

So tomorrow, if the diagnosis is cancer...I'm going to praise God for His faithfulness and unchanging character (and I invite you to praise and trust Him with me). The goodness of God is not determined by my life's circumstances. God is good and trustworthy! No matter what.

And, if the diagnosis is not cancer...I'm going to praise God (and I invite you to praise Him with me)!

This song "Worship Through It" has been on repeat today in my home (See link below!)
Please join me in praying for the entire medical staff and the surgeon tomorrow. That they'd experience the peace and wisdom of Jesus and that God would open up opportunities for conversations with the medical team and others in the waiting room to be pointed to the power of Jesus and His ability to change and transform lives with His love!

This is my prayer over each one of you this evening:

"For the Lord your God is living among you.    He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
    With his love, he will calm all your fears.
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”~ Zephaniah 3:17

Love you all dearly!

December 14 Update:
Please see below for some ways that you can help Pastor Karleen and her family during this upcoming week. We will be sharing more updates and more ways to help in the days and weeks ahead!

Some ways to help support Pastor Karleen and her family:

*Cards/notes/written out prayers/words of encouragement are gold! Words mean a lot to her! :-D 
Feel free to send them to her house or to Epic and the staff will get them to her!

* Send her a song that's meaningful/encouraging for you (extra credit if you share with Karleen what about the song you like/appreciate and why you're sending it!)

* Send her a verse or passage from scripture that has been meaningful/encouraging to you (extra credit if you share with Karleen what stood out to you from this verse/passage!)

Thank you for all the ways you've prayed and supported Karleen so far!

December 14 Update:
Please see below for an update from Pastor Karleen.

Dear Epic Family (and friends near and far who are reading this update),

First of all, thank you so very much for each of your prayers! They have made a difference this week and I'm so incredibly grateful! Thank you also for each word and act of kindness and thoughtfulness -- for the cards, notes, verses from the Bible, songs you've shared with me, and offers to help in various ways! They mean more than you know!

My heart is overflowing with gratitude and joy! God has already provided many opportunities this week to share of His goodness and kindness and faithfulness. From being able to pray over the woman drawing my pre-op bloodwork on Monday (it felt like a divine appointment to be able to encourage her), to conversations with other medical staff and friends this week, I'm grateful for each conversation.

There have also been some tears this week...some from sheer gratitude at the intricate workings of God and how He knows and understands every detail (and how I feel His great love for me!). Other tears have come as my brain continues to process everything that has happened in the past two weeks. But even through the occasional tears, I know without a doubt Jesus is with me, the Holy Spirit will guide every step, and my Heavenly Father is able to work ALL things for good as He promises in Romans 8:28 (even if we don't understand it all right now).

Here are a few verses from the Bible that have been an encouragement and beautiful reminder for me this week. May they encourage you today!

Isaiah 41:10 NLT
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT
“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

James 1:2-4 NLT
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Isaiah 44:8 NLT
Do not tremble; do not be afraid.
    Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago?
You are my witnesses—is there any other God?
    No! There is no other Rock—not one!”

May we remember to share the good news of Jesus with others. This song called "I've Witnessed It"  has been on repeat for me this week because the lyrics fit so perfectly. Already, I've witnessed the goodness of God and I want others to know of that same goodness and faithfulness no matter what each day looks like.

I leave you with the reminder from Ephesians 3:20 "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."

I love you all dearly!


December 8 Update:
Please feel free to watch the video for an announcement from Pastor Karleen regarding her health.